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摘要: 感冒的英语单词怎么写?(感冒的用英语怎么写 感冒是我们生活中最常见的一种呼吸道感染性疾病。下面介绍六种用英语表达感冒的短语:1....

下面介绍六种用英语表达感冒的短语:1.get a cold:i've got a bad cold.我得了重感冒。
2.catch a cold:Dry your hair so you don't catch a cold.把头发弄干,这样就不会得感冒。
The old and children are apt to catch a cold.老人和小孩容易患感冒。
3.have a cold:when you have a cold, any food and drink sometimes has very little flavour to you.当你患感冒时,任何酒菜有时都毫无滋味。
4.be suffer from a cold:He is absent today, because he is suffering from a heavy cold.他今天没有来,因为他患了重感冒。
5.If you don't wear enough cloth, you will catch a cough.如果你不穿足够的衣服,你会感冒的。
6.catch a chill:Don't go out in this weather, you'll catch a chill.这种天气别出去,你会着凉的。
